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valves and ZS damper oil

Subject: valves and ZS damper oil
From: (James Fuerstenberg)
Date: Tue Jun 16 08:12:46 1992
Re: easy valve adjustment.

I have found that one need not do all that mucking about to find tdc.  on an
A-series at least, I use the rule of 9 to adjust the valves.

when rocker one is down I adjust eight, when three is down I adjust 6, etc...

not necessary to do in any particular order and usually two rockers are down,
so you can do two at a time.  It is not usually necessary to adjust them
all, just the overly loose or tight ones, usually 3 or 4 per race weekend.

this procedure is pretty quick and requires no pulling of plugs or checking
timing marks.

re eric f.'s question re ZS carbs and damper oil.  Neither I nor anyone I 
know who race with SUs use damper oil.  just a little WD40 on the piston and
metal to metal surfaces.  the piston comes up faster and gives better 
throttle response.  If you must use oil, marvel mystery oil, ATF or genuine
SU or AZ damper oil (which I have seen) would probably work fine.

jim fuerstenberg                

                        186,000 miles per second, it's not just a good idea
                        it's the law!

The opinions stated herein are solely my own and not those of my employer.

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