I had a funny thing happen to me today... A 560SL convertable (top
down) pulled up with me at a stop light. It was a beautiful day, and
I was in the TR6 with the top down of course... Looking over at this
$60,000 car, the following exchange took place...
ME: "Hey, Nice car... Would you care to trade?" (Of course I would
never do such a trade, well, maybe to sell his car and buy and Austin
Healy or something...)
HIM: "How much do you owe on your car?"
ME: "Nothing"
HIM: "Sure! It's a deal!"
Which goes to show you, a "paided for" LBC is more happiness than a
560SL with $40,000 of debt on it.
We will pay the price, but we will not count the cost. - Rush
Scott Paisley
P.S. I didn't trade... :-)