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MGB Exhaust & Vintage Races

Subject: MGB Exhaust & Vintage Races
From: (Robert Jones)
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 92 15:46:00 EDT
As I mentioned in my note about my first autox in my MGB, I dropped my
muffler on I-70 between Dayton and Columbus.  While it was temporarily
fixed by inserting a shock dust cover half in the exhaust pipe and half
in the muffler, it needs to be replaced.  So, I am asking you folks
for any recommendations on exhaust systems.  I haven't decided yet how much
I want to replace, so info about anything from mufflers and headers would
be appreciated.

The muffler that was on it is an Ansa that looks similiar
to the "Monza" exhaust Victoria British sells for about $110.  JCWhitney
also sells one that looks similiar, have any of you tried the one JCW
sells? Does the B get much performance boost from this type of exhaust
over the stock setup, especially when running the stock exhaust manifold?  
How much of a performance boost does replacing the stock exhaust manifold
with a header give? (My B has a Weber DCOE, the engine is stock other than

If I do get a header, what do you recommend?  I've seen what look like two
different types, one (Longflow) has three pipes come together into one at
the bottom, the other has two pipes join together and then join the third
to form one farther down.  Which is better?

On another note, I am planning to go up to the vintage races at Mid-Ohio
next Sunday.  Who else is planning to go?  (A note to Mark Dodd, you can
have a ride if you are still interested, I am still planning to take the
B if I can get the exhaust fixed in time, if not I can drive my Mazda.
We can see if Skip is interested at Wednesday's MG club meeting.)
I've never been to one of these, do we need to get tickets in advance
or can we buy at the gate?  What time do the races start?


Bob Jones   Mead Data Central   Dayton, Ohio

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