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Redcar goes to school, pt. 2

Subject: Redcar goes to school, pt. 2
From: "Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 92 10:24:20 PDT
     Sorry about the partial posting yesterday, I meant to
     save & append, but the editor here is a bit clumsy at
          Anyway, driver's school at Laguna Seca:

          We made it into the paddock by 7:15am, found a 
     suitable place to park & unloaded. By the time we had
     the cars tech'd quite a collection of cars/people had
     arrived. Just off the top of my head I can recall a new
     Testarossa, a few Panteras, a gaggle of Porsches, a few
     IT & Production cars, and the street cars (510s, CRXs,
     etc.) I was one of only two Sprites, the other being
     fellow SOLer & Fizzballer Jeff Zurschmeide in his
     bright orange H-Prod. Bugeye. All in all it was looking
     like the beginning of a great day.
          I would be running in the intermediate class,
     which meant I was supposed to have some idea of what to 
     do out there. We would be the second group out (after the
     advanced) and the idea was to (slowly) follow our instructor's
     car for two laps and then we'd be cut loose. That was
     the idea anyway.
          What transpired was an instantaneous and
     terrifying free-for-all, as our instructor's car was
     immediately black-flagged for sound and pulled from the
     track, which gave this group of (mostly) weekend warriors 
     free reign to run. Which they did. Away from me. Now,
     Redcar isn't slow, but it isn't a 300zx or a ZR-1,
     which *were* in my group. So understandably I felt that
     for this supposedly being a pace lap, I must be doing
     something terribly wrong to be so far behind. Only
     after realizing what had happened did I calm down a bit
     & enjoy. Soon however, I realized that our session was
     ending, as when I passed the pits I could see members of my group
     pulling in. Then panic struck when I realized I DIDN'T KNOW
     HOW TO GET OFF THE TRACK !!!!! By some wicked twist of
     fate we had never cover *exiting* the course. I
     suddenly felt like I was going to hear Rod Serling as
     the track announcer, "Picture this if you will .."
     I knew generally where the exit had to be, but not for
     sure, and by the time I had come around and identified
     where it was, I WAS PAST IT AGAIN !!!!!! I'm trapped,
     alone on the track, with the entire driver's school
     watching me as I attempted to look like I knew what I
     was doing ! "Hey, he's in the intermediate group, he
     knows hoe to get off the track." Nope. Next time around
     I slowed way down, snuck off, tucked into the pits and stopped.
     Remarkably no-one came over to chastise me, and in fact
     later I heard someone else say they didn't know where to exit
     either. Whew.
          The rest of the day went *much* better. Our
     instructor never fixed her car, so we remained the
     do-it-yourself class all day, but we learned. I became
     much braver, and managed to shave a few seconds off my
     times, and even had someone come up later & comment on
     how hard Redcar stuck in the corners, which made me
     feel pretty good. About the only bad points were the
     300ZX from my group getting stuffed (driver unhurt),
     and a high-db repeat offender shutting down an entire
     session by ignoring his black flag(s). 
          High point of the day was a combo of riding with
     Larry Colen in his IT Cortina for one session and
     holding off various cars in the corners that were
     *much* faster than me. All in all, a day well spent.


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  • Redcar goes to school, pt. 2, Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6 <=