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Re: Odd part on spitfidget 1500 gearbox extension

Subject: Re: Odd part on spitfidget 1500 gearbox extension
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1992 10:09:37 CDT
Dean Zywicki:dcrt:nih writes:
> I noticed a hole at the front top of the extension, where the selector
> rod rides.  There is supposed to be a spring, plunger and cap that goes
> into this hole. I can't quite figure out what it does...

Umm, any chance that it provides a kind of click-stop hold on the rod?
That is, rod moves all the way to one end and plunger settles into a
recess of some sort on the rod in order to hold it there until the driver
shifts again. It prevents the rod from sliding on its own until the driver
supplies enough pull via the shifter to pop the plunger up out of the indent
and allow the rod to slide to another position.
If the plunger doesn't bear down on the rod, then the above is a complete
waste of bandwidth... sorry...

Andrew C. Green
Datalogics, Inc.      Internet:
441 W. Huron          UUCP: ..!uunet!dlogics!acg
Chicago, IL  60610    FAX: (312) 266-4473

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