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re: VTR convention

Subject: re: VTR convention
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 8 Jun 1992 16:38 EDT
>  Two questions about the VTR Nationals
>(1)  My brother thinks he'd like to take part in the Southern Crescent Rallye.
>Does the rallye require a co-pilot/navigator?  How is the rallye set up?
>I think Deb and I will probably take a few legs and my brother Dave wants
>to do a few too.  However, if he needs a navigator, we may have to alternate

Generally, a navigator is usually required to run a rally.  You'd
have to ask the VTR event organizers directly about this year's "Crescent

>(2)  Also, can anyone come and watch events?  My parents may be down in
>the vicinity and may want to pop in for the concours.  There's no gate
>or entrance fee or whatever is there?  Just curious.

We (VTR) have never tried to control "browsing" at the convention,
especially the concours on Saturday.  We do find it most annoying
when individuals have "attended" in an unregistered manner and we've
even had some folks take advantage of the hotel rates and not
register for the event.  The usual "excuse" is: "But I don't have
my Triumph here."  Worst case (in my opinion) is when someone
that isn't registered for the event wants to buy a banquet ticket.

So, yes, certainly have your parents stop by and they don't have to
"register" as long as they are just browsing.  One possible 
exception could be the track events.  The track might not let
non-registered people into the track, you'll have to check that
out if they want to "watch" that event.

See you in Savannah.
Bill Sohl (K2UNK) BELLCORE (Bell Communications Research, Inc.)
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