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Pour Your Own

Subject: Pour Your Own
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 92 15:41:42 pdt
One of the wonders of the AC designed Cobra suspension is that very few
grease fittings were included.  For example, the ball-joints are
surrounded by Teflon shells which provide dry lubrication.  This worked
okay in relatively arid California but not worth a diddly in wet, snowy
Virginia.  When I replaced them a number of years ago about all that was
left of the originals was a mass of red flakey dust.  I added grease
fittings to the new ones.

The A-arms are another marvel.  They are also dry with poured babbitt
bearings.  My dad once told me about pouring babbitt main bearings for
Model A Fords (I think) many a year ago.  Apparently aftermarket pre
cast bearing for Model As have been available for decades now but I
doubt that that's the case for snake A-arms.  Surely I'm not the only
Brit car owner with this problem?  So, how many of you DIY mechanics
pour your own bearings these days?  I may have to learn how to
do this.

Roland Dudley

P.S.  Was watching Good Morning America before work this A.M.  and saw a
      segment on "the Viper vs the Corvette".  Good God, the Viper has
      side curtains!

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