-> I spent part of Memorial Day weekend working on my TR6 (as I suspect
->quite a few sol's did), and changed the oil & filter. Is there some
->geometric trick I missed? As far as I can tell, the only ways to get
->the oil filter cannister out of the spot it's in are to remove the engine or
->remove the steering column. I could get the filter element out, but not
->the cannister. I noticed that the pictures in the Haynes showed a filter
->held next to an engine out of the car... I managed to get it reasonably
->clean in situ, though it's a pain.
Spent none of my memorial day weekend working on my TR-6 (Sniff! :()
There is no real need to get the cannister out, but in any case,
I got it out by rotating 90 deg about X, and dropping it out the bottom between
the frame and trans. Having the car on the lift was/is a big help.
-> The other thing I did was to add a loop of wire to the hood catch
->just in case the release cable breaks. I can get the the wire from below
->and tug on it to release the hood. Anyone else out there with a TR6 should
->strongly consider doing this, since if that cable breaks it takes serious
->amounts of work to get at the latch (I think you have to remove the dash and
->heater so you can work through a hole in hte firewall).
You have to pull the hoses to the heater and the glovebox. Then the
to the heater hoses push back into the engine compartment. A long SD will
then take care of the problem.