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RE>A weeks worth of unread

To: british-cars@hoosier, taylor!randy@hoosier
Subject: RE>A weeks worth of unread
From: Jerry Kaidor <>
Date: 13 May 92 06:56:03
        Reply to:   RE>A weeks worth of unread mai
Randy Taylor writes:
Here's a head-scratcher for you. A 72 Ford Pinto set exactly to factory specs.
With 70% antifreeze in the cooling system, it pings like crazy. Drain it
and fill it with 50% (or less), and it stops pinging. In both cases, the temp 
guage read exactly 180 degrees. 

***** I'll take a stab at this.  As we all know, the real coolant ( heat
transfer agent) in a cooling system is the WATER.  Good old H2O.  Nothing else
comes close, if I remember my high school physics.  Antifreeze is merely our
attempt to modify a few of water's undesirable attributes, like boiling,
freezing, and corroding.
    Excessive antifreeze in the water could degrade it's heat-transferring
ability, possibly leading to localized boiling in the area of the combustion
chamber.  Which would lead to high combustion chamber temperatures, and *ping*.

        - Jerry

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