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The weekend from hell

Subject: The weekend from hell
From: John Wroclawski <>
Date: Thu, 7 May 92 14:13:59 -0400
   Date: Thu, 7 May 92 11:04:53 EDT
   From: "Robert M. Bownes" <>

           Wish I could have the car fixed to run this weekend, but
   I need to spend the weekend contemplating my navel over buying a garage,
   er, house.

OK, so I went out and got the May Hemmings (uh-oh). And, you know,
just to be friendly, it contained, along with all the $80K XK120's, a
helpful little clarification for those of us who live in Boston or
Palo Alto.

  Car Collector's Dream:
  English Tudor House (4800 sq ft), with separate 13-car garage
  3 wooded, secluded acres
  2 additional acres available
  Maryland horse country, near Baltimore

There's a picture. It looks like something Charles Runyan would build,
if he had about 25 years to do it. I -really- hope that price is a

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