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MGC for sale.

Subject: MGC for sale.
From: (Garry Archer)
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 92 09:58:44 -0400
Considering the rarity of the MGC and the interest in MG[ABC]s on this
list I thought I'd mention that I saw one for sale in the newspaper
this week (in Connecticut).

I don't have the ad with me (sorry, I meant to...) but all I can remember
is that it is a manual gearbox and they're asking $3500.

By sheer coincidence, the MGC is featured in the British Cars magazine
Buyer's Guide (always found at the back of the magazine).  According to
the Value Guide, $3500 makes it a #2 car!  I don't want to reprint the
whole article here, but it finally says, "Value is based on nostalgia
and uniqueness, not collectibility, although classic rallies are
beginning to create some interest.  Buy for fun, not financial gain."

If anyone is interested e-mail me and I'll look up the ad again.  Or I'll
just mail it to this list if there is a lot of interest.

        - Garry Archer

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