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Another car for sale.

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Another car for sale.
From: muller@Alliant.COM (Jim Muller)
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 92 10:52:59 EDT
Wanna' buy a whole car company?  NPR had a blurb this morning that
Vickers is putting R-R up for sale.  Seems they have been making
money pretty well up to this past year, whereupon they lost (I think
I remember they said) about $50 million.  Sales were about 3300 cars
the previous year but dropped to about half that last year.  Vickers,
who bought R-R in 1980, are reluctant to put much money into the
company for development, but they are getting hit hard by technological
competition in the high-end market.  Or something like that.

Hey, I've got a few loose coins in my pocket and it wouldn't hurt me
to do without lunch today.  Anyone want to form a consortium?

Jim Muller

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