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MGB Brakes

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: MGB Brakes
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 92 16:13 EDT
Attention MG Owners:

The New England MG T Register and its officers are circulating letters
protesting the (rumored?) establishment of the MG Car Club of England 
in the U.S.  Does anyone know of this.  Is the MGCC indeed trying to
establish Centers here.  Many MG clubs are members of the MGCC, but
as I understand, the MGCC (England) is trying to recruit members
here, and require affiliated clubs to pay $100 per year as 
dues. "All of it going to the MGCCNA."  

Hum!  It seems to me that there is more yelling and screaming here
than justified if all this is true.  No one can force a club to 
belong to another orgainzation.  What is all the yelling about, unless
some particular interest group is scared to death that their power
base will be erroded? (ie. competition).  If anyone on this group knows what
the real story is, and why some people so paronoid, would they 
please post it so the rest of us can read it.

Dan L. Philen  att!akgua!dlp
Editor, Southeastern MG T Register.

---------------------------more added----------------------------
It seems more explanation is needed.
As added explanation, where is an excerpt from Dick Knudson's recent
letter to the local chapters.  Dick is President (king) of the NEMGTR.

"The M.G. Car Club of England is starting a new M.G. Club in North
America appears to be a purely commercial venture.  They intend to go
head to head with all existing clubs and registers here and to put
them out of business.  They have appropriated a large sum of money for
this purpose and have sent Phil Richer over here for an extended
period of time to organize this new club and to enlist all of you as 
members of this new club.  They will have a full time, paid staff in an office
over here.  As an aside, the Register has been going on for over
28 years with an all volunteer effort.  It seems they know better
what we Americans need than we do."

"...The new MGCC North America will require established clubs such as
yours to pay an annual fee of $100.00.  I further understand that all of
your club dues will go to MGCCNA!  I seem to remember a certain
tea party that was about a similar plan."

There is more, but you get the idea.  Like I said,  There is LOTS of 
paranoia here.  I just want to get the real story on what is happening
here.  Over the week-end I got a three page single spaced letter from
Dick Raymond (a director of the NEMGTR) raving about all of this, and
how unfair and presumptous it is of the English, etc...  lots and lots
of paranoia.  There has to be an underlying reason for all this concern.
I am a member of the MGCC and the NEMGTR - what is the big deal?


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