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Leaf-spring Cobras

Subject: Leaf-spring Cobras
From: (Ed Devinney)
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 92 15:22:00 -0400
Subject: Leaf Springs

Roland points out that the leaf sprung Cobras and ACs were
perfectly fine, and I'd like to point out that Covettes still
use (composite) leaf springs to this day.  The important thing
to realize is that in these configurations the suspension isn't
an axle on fore-and-aft cart springs (like you see on the back
of older 'Murrican cars), but rather transverse, with one
spring per 'axle'.

I suspect that leaf springs are useful not only because 
the designer liked whatever characteristcs leaf springs
are good at (I don't really know), but additionally they would
keep the hoodline low - no need for strut towers or spring
cups, etc.

As an aside, anyone know why the old design using a xverse
leaf spring as the upper suspension arm (a la the BRM V-16 (?))
was abandoned?  I figure that it might have been because the
upper arm would be more easily deflected than a real A-arm,
but the design is certainly appealing in it's simplistic elegance...

ed 'give me torsion bars or give me death' devinney

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