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Re: switching from restoration to maintenance

Subject: Re: switching from restoration to maintenance
From: (Too Sexy For My Bus)
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 92 13:24:54 -0400
While we're (you're?) on the subject of starter rebuilds, I've had
a number of british starters go bad, mostly from sitting, and I've
fixed all of 'em with a simple rebuild myself. I take the thing apart,
take 400 or 600 grit sandpaper to the rotor contacts, sand the brushes
if there's enough left, if there isn't I used to replace (mostly drill,
didn't have cars back then) motor brushes with C or D cell battery cores,
nowadays I pop down to the local TrueValue hardware store and rummage
through their box of motor brushes, filing one down if they don't have one
that fits. Clean everything out, re-grease all the things that want grease
and put it back in. Haven't had to do one a second time yet. I've
never dinked with a bendix but I've never run into a troublesome one
either (guess I've been lucky).
When my GT6 starter went I noticed the one off my mini 850 motor looked
similiar, sure enough I swapped the mounting flanges (the minis was
smaller) and the GT roared to life.

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