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re: TR3 for sale

Subject: re: TR3 for sale
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 2 Apr 1992 14:45 EST
William Woodruff asked about the TR-3A for sale:
>       Sorry to bother you, but I thought I would ask If the guy
>said anything about the rust condition of the car.  If he implied
>there was any significant rust, I don't want to waste my money
>calling him.

I really didn't go into any detailed description of the car.  As
I posted, his letter did say "is in good condition."
If the car spent all or most of its life in Kentucky, it probably
hasn't seen the excessive salt use that we in the north do,
so it may be fairly decent (rust wise).

Sorry that's the best I can do.  Heck, for the price, give'm a
call after 5pm when the rates are cheaper.


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