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clunking and whining

Subject: clunking and whining
From: danb@apd.MENTORG.COM (Daniel Boughton)
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 92 14:13:16 -0800
I submitted this before but someone's computer ate it so if you get two

When I bought my `67 Sprite it had a nifty clunk and a rattle that would
take your teeth out at about 50mph.  I figured it was a bad U-joint and
out of balance tire type problem and bought the car anyway.  After taking
the car to several shops and not finding the problem one shop sent me
to a guy who raced Sprites.  He drove it around the block and told me to
tighten the nut on the front of the differential up.  I did and the problem
went away.

Another cause for clunks (sans whining) can be the exhaust system bumping
around.  I had this problem on my 240Z and looked at U-joints and half-shafts
and scratched my head alot until it got bad enough to occur when the car
wasn't moving.

On another note some people in the Oregon Mini Society are looking for
restorable Mini mokes and Mini pickups at reasonable prices.  If anyone
knows of the whereabouts of such cars let me know and I'll pass the info

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