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Winged Knock-offs Again

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Winged Knock-offs Again
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 92 10:42:01 pst
Last week someone posted a message about winged knock-offs no longer
being available from Moss.  So far, I haven't seen any follow ups to
this message.  This is of interest to me because I would like to replace
all four of my snake knock-offs but I find the thought of wingless
hexagonal (or are they octagonal) knock-offs on my Cobra a bit

I have been putting off getting new ones until I decide what to do with
my wheels.  I was hoping to take a shot at rebuilding them myself and
ordering new knock-offs along with the new spokes, nipples or whatever
was required for the rebuild.  But because of other pressing matters,
all snake work is on hold (again, sigh) and the wheels will have to wait
for awhile.  In fact, at the moment I'm leaning towards just sending
them off to British Wire Wheel.  So, is it true that new winged
knock-off are no longer available.  If suppliers still have them on hand
can they sell them?  I'm thinking I better not let this matter wait too

At one time I was planning on having three of the knock-offs rechromed
since they are in reasonably good shape otherwise.  After checking the
price for new ones I decided this wasn't very cost effective but if new
ones aren't available I will reconsider this option.  But I still have
one that's pretty banged up, including a crack in the outer face (where
the logo is).  However, the wings and threaded body of this one appear
to be okay, so I'm wondering if it's repairable.  I could probably get
the face flat myself but would have to have the crack welded or brazed.
Do places like British Wire Wheel do this kind of work?

Roland Dudley

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