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saw a MGB-GT for sale yesterday.

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: saw a MGB-GT for sale yesterday.
From: (Eric Hiss)
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 92 09:55:28 PST

I saw a '68 MGB-GT yesterday evening parked downtown by my warehouse/studio.

It was in really nice shape, in what seems to be all original condition.

I stopped and talked to the guy and he let me drive it a bit and it seems to
run nicely.  Apparently he had just bought it from a 75 year old tool maker
so it has been kept up nicely. There were $5500 in reciepts for mainten. costs
most of which seemed to be service/engine. All of the crome parts, including
the wire wheels were in excellent shape.  Actually the whole car looked really
good, but I did not care for the yellow paint. It had black interior.

Anyway I can't buy it but I thought I would post to the group just in case
someone else is looking....

Actually my first car was a '67 GT so I would feel like I was going backward

no offense to anyone owning a GT..... 

The guy's phone # is 510 596-8181  (Emeryville, CA)  he wants around $4k
but seems to be flexible on the price.


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