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GT6 parts wanted/Spit parts to unload

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: GT6 parts wanted/Spit parts to unload
From: William Hartwell Woodruff <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 92 14:52:51 -0500
        This is sort of a plea for help and/or generosity on the part of
fellow sol'ers.  I need a hood from a GT6 mark III.  I have searched around
Michigan for a good one, but I live in the rust belt.  Most of the stuff I
have found has been in some state of disaster.  So my reasoning is, faced 
with spending a week of my life repairing and preping a poor hood, I'd rather
spend a couple of days driving somewhere where I can get a nice one in the 
first place.  (Or put another way, I'd rather shove pins under fingernails
then spend a week of my life repairing a hopelessly rusted hood).  I also need
the small trim panel that mounts to the front frame crossmember just below 
the grille.  My car will soon be going to the paint shop, and I really don't 
have much time to get one (about 2 weeks).

        I need a good frame too, but the pressure is not as great to get that.
What I would really like is if someone knew of or could find a really good
frame, hood, and trim panel east of the Rockies. I would get it or have it 
shipped depending on what was cheaper.

        On top of all this, I'm going to move at the end of the summer and I
need to get rid of alot of stuff in my workshop.  If someone could arrange a
trade or something for the GT6 parts, I could bring the any of the following
items with me:

        79 1500 engine
        76 1500 engine
                (note: DW sort of has dibs on one of these 1500's)
        Very slightly used monza exhaust
        Plastic bumpers, (the whole assemblies) off a 79 spit
        1296 engine
        couple of transmissions (Spitfire)
        4 or 5 cd carbs from various years     
        lots of other things I can't remember right now, all of this
                is associated with spitfires

        If you can help with getting the GT6 parts or are interested in any 
of the above items please contact me.

        On another note, progress continues on converting the Spitfire to
a 6 cylinder engine.  I'm in the 'throw alot of cash at it' stage of the
project.  Some engineering work has been done.  I have designed a torque
tube which will couple the transmission and the differential and remove
(hopefully) the engine loading on the frame.  I'll keep you posted on the 
success or failure of it.  Thanks in advance...  

American - 'All I need is a cold beer and a warm place to sleep'
British  - 'All I need is a warm beer and a cold place to sleep'

P.S.  Who had 6 GT6's in colorado?
I tried to reply to the questions about the turbo colt, but my
reply bounced

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