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car-banning bills again?

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: car-banning bills again?
From: medtron!pwcs.StPaul.GOV!phile@uunet.UU.NET (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 92 9:42:24 CST

I just heard of two new US Senate bills S326 and S1220 which are similar to
the S2237 Roth Clunker Bill which died in Congress. These bills supposedly
will regulate pre-1980 automobiles. Does anyone have any specific details on
these bills?   - karl@ncrspks.SparksNV.NCR.COM (Karl.Held@SparksNv.NCR.COM)

Login name: phile                       In real life: Philip J Ethier
Phone: 298-5324

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