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To: sol@hoosier
Subject: newsgroupsisnotagoodidea
From: (James Fuerstenberg)
Date: Thu Mar 5 07:59:27 1992
just another couple of cents re the newsgroup argument.

I cannot receive newsgroups at this site, so therefore I do not think that 
would be a good idea.

Switching to digest format only would seem to be an acceptable solution.  I
receive digest format now and have no problem in keeping up with the threads
of conversations/discussions.

I agree that self-restraint is the best way to keep inflammatory political non
auto related statements off the system.  If subscribers just ignored the 
occasional flame by other subscribers instead of responding ad nauseum, maybe
the flames would stop.

jim fuerstenberg                

                        186,000 miles per second, it's not just a good idea
                        it's the law!

The opinions stated herein are solely my own and not those of my employer.

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