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Some MGB details

Subject: Some MGB details
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1993 21:21 CST
Hello Bill!
        I am new to the list also.  I presantly own 1 73 MGB conv.
1 73 MGB GT, and a 69 MGC GT.  I think you are making a fine choice
of car if you chose the B.  I used to auto-cross mine in 1985-86
with SCCA.  Tore up some RICE ROCKETS !!  Some things to look for?
It realy depends on what your plans for the car are.  If it is being
purchaced for an investment, the best years are between '62'-'67'
hit the wrong button!   As I was saying, '68'-'69' were the same car 
the '68' was the first year for all syncro trans.  They also had the
air pump installed.  These are still good collectables.  '70' to late
'72' had a different grill assym., alittle more smog equip.  Late '72'
to early '74' were the last of the B's befor the govt. regulations
took over.  These last coupe of years the interior had a few nice 
things added such as a center consol and a glove box that had been absent
sence '67', and arm rests.  Late '74' - '80' were the last B's made.
The horsepower was decreased due to the replacement of the SU carbs
by a single Zenith, and much more smog equip.  The motor was just choked out
and the technology hadn't caught up yet.  Furthermore the ride height
was raised almost 2'' for bumper height regs.  The big black bumpers were
also added.  Oh yes, the Smith gauges were also replaced.  As you might
be able to tell, I'm partial to pre-'75'.  
        As for how much should you pay?  Don't pay more than you have too.
There are a number of realy nice cars out there if you know where to 
look.  There are many people out there who do not know what they have.
Those are the people to hit.  I got my MGC for $600.  Never been hit,
54,000 original miles, absolutley NO rust.  The only problem with the
car was the original paint was destroyed by someone who deceided to try to 
paint the car himself.  The older B's are going to be more expensive.  A car
in excellent condition can run from $4,000 to $8,000.  But that is a car
in restored running quality, not one in the shop, especially with bono
in the rear fender.  My advice is to find a earlier model that is in
unrestored condition that has a straight body with very little or no rust.
You can find these from prob. $800 up to $2,500, just depending on the
seller.  Take this car and slowly sink your money into it and make sure
it is being done right.  If you buy a car someone else has aready gone through
you never know what short cuts have been taken.  If There
 is any rust
at all, have it cut out and replaced by metal, not bondo.  I dont mean to be 
babbling on but I don't have any idea of your experience with B's and 
I hope I am not insulting your intelligents.  Well I could write or talk for 
days on B's so if you want to continue please contact.

                                KEEP UM ON THE ROAD!!!

                                GREGG HANKS

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