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Weird auto movie

Subject: Weird auto movie
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 93 15:58:26 EST
|Date: 1-22-93  3:50pm
|From: Dean Zywicki:dcrt:nih
|  To: {}:INTERNET
|Subj: Weird auto movie
   There has been a movie discussion over on the italian-cars list, (The
Italian Job etc.) and it made me think of a movie I'e been looking for.
I saw part of it this past summer one night when I couldn't sleep.  It
was on at about 5:30 a.m. on cinemax I think.  It was called
"Pinchcliffe Grand Prix".  It was the same sort of animation as the
Christmas specials, i.e. Rudolph and Santa Claus.  It was about a grand
prix and it had lots of characters and cars.  The main car was a real
weird looking thing.  It was awesome though.  It showed the guy pressing
the clutch pedals and the gas pedals and missing some shifts too!.  The
sounds were really nice too.  The racing scenes were from the cockpit
and looked really cool.  I've asked in video stores and they looked at
me funny.
     So, has anyone seem this movie anywhere ?


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