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TR6 rear

Subject: TR6 rear
From: (Randell Jesup)
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 93 14:15:36 EST
>  - When I last drove the car I started hearing a knocking noise from the
>    rear end, quiet at first but getting quite distinct in a matter of
>    30 minutes or so.  I would suspect something in the differential
>    except that the rate of the knocking dropped when I shifted in to
>    overdrive (while maintaining the same speed).  Makes me think it
>    is something between the transmission and the overdrive unit (although
>    I can't think of what).  Also, it only made noise when the drive
>    train was transmitting power to the wheels -- wheels to engine
>    (compression) was quiet.  Any ideas on what I should look for?

        It still sounds like UJoints to me.  Are you sure it wasn't the
change in torque?  My UJoints were very torque-sensitive while they were

>  - Finally, the U-joints on one axle are tight while there's just a hint
>    of play in the other.  I'm inclined to change out the lot just so that
>    I don't have to do this again.  Does this sound reasonable?

        Absolutely.  I should have done this - I merely replaced the two
outers - they were dead and dry, the inners were well-greased and I think
much newer (and more of a pain to get out).  I had planned on doing them,
it just kindof didn't happen (too anxious to get the thing back on the road).
I did install all-new boots, of course.  I do have the ujoints to replace the
inners waiting for the inevitable time they decide to go, though.

        Randell Jesup

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