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Re: What is it about these things?

Subject: Re: What is it about these things?
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 93 09:17:45 -0800
Mike, I think you hit it square on the head of the nail when you suggest that
Older British cars are individuals with character and personallity. It
also takes a REALLY bonker individual to enjoy the character of these cars.
Luckally, not everyone enjoys a car with character.  

People buy their first classic for whatever reason and one of several things 
usually happen:
1. They get rid of it and replace it with a car with less personality.
2. They treat it as part of their portfolio and put the car in the equiv.
of an auto safe deposit box and try not to put miles on it.
3. Gets into concourse to the point where their self esteme is connected to
winning and the car gets restored to better than factory new & trailered.
4.The owner develops a love fear relationship.  They love the excitment and
character but at the same time on another level they are afraid of it and
are unwilling to trust it.  These are the people who have an LBC for the
times they feel adventurous but drive a newish characterless cookie cutter
clone as their daily transportation.
5. And then there are the truly BONKER types who love the character and sense
of adventure of just going to the local grocery store in one.  These people,
throw themselves into the experience and along the line discover that each
car type has a different character (or in the Land Rover's case also tonnes
of chrisma).  These people often develop a desire to experience the character
of different models and marques.  I think the BONKER types want to experience
life with character.  I personally do not like working on cars but I sure
love driving those characters and getting to know their quirks.  If I could
just find a mechanic I could trust and afford who was near my house, driving
is all I would do!

.... Now if only it isn't raining this Sat. I need to pull a Land Rover
engine rain or shine without a garage. ....Well the engine does have
over 1/4 million miles without  a rebuild.  I guess it was about time.
I can't live with just one LBC running.  The MGBGT is my weekday driver,
and the Land Rover is my weekend & holiday driver.  Sigh with two cars down
I had to pass up that disassembled big Healey in BC.  Sigh

BONKERS.. Nah not me


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