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I'm back again

Subject: I'm back again
From: Timothy Lyle Smith <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1993 10:54:19 -0600
Greetings all,

  I am finally back in school after 7 months of being a traveling construction
worker.  In that time I managed to put approx. 10,000 miles on my MGBGT.  
The MG managed to outlive an 84' Buick that blew it's engine, those guys didn't
give me any crap about the MG after that.  However the car now sits in the
back yard covered with snow as it waited until it was coming home to have 
problems.  The starter/solinoid will not stay active long enough to start the
engine, I am hoping it is a loose wire but as the car is surrounded by a foot
of snow I've not checked it yet.  The transmission needs double clutching
periodically between 3rd and 4th gear.  I can only run the headlights at night
any other drain causes the alternator light to come on.  

  All things considered I think the car has done very well for having close to 
200,000 miles on most of the components.

  Also, if anybody has any hints on how to make the heater perform better in
sub-zero weather I would be greatful.  


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