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TR4 front brakes

Subject: TR4 front brakes
From: (Adrian Jefferies)
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 93 11:00:25 GMT

The front brakes on my TR4 have virtually stopped working & I cant
quite figure out why. Its stopping on the rear system.

Here's the situation. I rebuilt the brakes with: new master cylinder seals,
new flexible brake hoses, new front cylinder pistons a couple of
years ago and the system worked just fine - TR4 brakes are very strong.

Last summer I noticed that the front brakes were not doing their stuff
& I couldnt figure it out - a thorough bleeding seemed to cure it
back to 100%.

Now the problem has returned. I havent had a chance to make a close
look; the only clues are that the fluid level is down about 1/2 inch
and I have to pump once to get braking when I start it up - a sure
sign of air, alas.

Was replacing those pistons a bad idea?

Any hints or clues appreciated - I'm using the regular (not silicon)
brake fluid.

Regards, Adrian

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