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MG heaven/hell

Subject: MG heaven/hell
From: (Randell Jesup)
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 93 15:49:29 EST
        From this weeks local Tradin' Times: 

"MG (25 total) from '59-76, half are restorable,
half are good parts cars.  $5000 for the total lot.  (609) 848-8819
(Thorofare NJ)"

        Probably even Roger doesn't have space for _that_ many MG's...  A good
deal, probably, if you're a total fantic that won the lottery and have nothing
to do in your spare time (and money and land).

        Seriously, whoever is silly enough to by the 25 MG's might be a good
source of spares for MGA's/MGB's/Midgets (what I assume it consists of).

        Randell Jesup

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