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Re: Lunatic Ramblings

Subject: Re: Lunatic Ramblings
From: "Andrew C. Green" <dlogics!!acg@uunet.UU.NET>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1993 09:59:56 CST
Bob Lang (LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU) writes:
> I also drive a VW Golf, that I named "Gustav". Just prior to buying the car, I
> had read a story about a German WWII ace pilot (the name slips me, but I think
> it was Adolf Galland). One of his planes was a BF109-G which he called Gustav.
> He was very attached to the plane, and was very saddened when he had to eject
> from the plane to save his a-- after some sort of mechanical problem.

This is straying from the LBC theme, but yes, Adolf Galland was his name. I
THINK that he's the one who had an ashtray specially installed in his plane
so he wouldn't get cigar ashes on the floor.
As for the plane, I believe it was a Focke-Wulf 109 -- perhaps BF was some sort
of sub-model designation?
Ah-ha! I thought of some LBC content: when in England, you MUST drive your
Spitfire to the Imperial War Museum at Duxford, just outside Cambridge, where
you will see a huge quantity of famous aircraft from years gone by. You could
also carry on to, um, Norfolk, or wherever Lotus is based. (Phil E. will know.)
If you're lucky, tours will be available at the factory, although the spouse
and I arrived during remodeling last time and could only admire a bunch of
construction cranes from a distance. Nice parking lot, however. :-)
-- Andy

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