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The Queen's Rover

To: ssi!coventry! (Bob Bownes)
Subject: The Queen's Rover
From: phile@pwcs.StPaul.GOV (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 91 13:42:37 CST
Y'mean old Liz Windsor drove herself about in a straight stick car?  Sort of
renews your faith in England, somehow.

When did you meet her?  The closest I got was when I met a Royal Marine off her
yacht in Montreal in '67.  My mother saw his shoulder patch and asked the
question the patch had already answered: "Are you off the Queen's Yacht?".

He replied in his best British fashion:  "Yes, Mum."  and talked to us at some
lenngth about where she was moored (the yacht, not HRH).  Big strappin' guy,
looked sharp in his red beret, friendly to strange Yanks.

The Queen was there to visit the World's Fair.  So were we.

Login name: phile                       In real life: Philip J Ethier
Phone: 298-5324

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