>> I was wondering if my TR250's brake booster is working like it should, the
>> usual failure mode (I assume) is the diaphragm cracking. So to test I should
>> just disconnect the vacuum line to the intake manifold and suck, if I can
>> get any air to flow it's bad, right?
>The way my booster told me that it was reaching the end of its life, was by
>ingesting large quntities of brake fluid. There were no visible
>leaks anywhere on the car, but the fluid level had to topped up
>every week or so. Also on HARD application of the brake, a large plume
>of white smoke poured out of the exhausts. The cause was a split
>diaphragm, which allowed brake fluid to be sucked in by the engine.
I would think that the loss of brake fluid would also be a
result of deteriorating seals on the brake master cylinder
Did the loss of brake fluid end completely when you replaced
the brake booster?
Standard Disclaimer- Any opinions, etc. are mine and NOT my employer's.
Bill Sohl (K2UNK) || email
Bellcore, Morristown, NJ || UUCP bcr!taichi!whs70
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201-829-2879 Weekdays || Internet whs70@taichi.cc.bellcore.com