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One Deer, two Deer, Roos!

To: british-cars@hoosier (British Cars)
Subject: One Deer, two Deer, Roos!
From: Mike Johnson <>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 91 14:43:02 PDT
It turns out that there are millions of kangaroos in central OZ.  I was
driving a VW camper bus across the bottom in '73.  We got over the 300
miles of dirt, make that mud (it had rained heavily just before we got
there and the Nulabor was under water in places and *covered* in wild
flowers every where else), and got to the pavement (bitumen) in the early
evening.  Something strange happened and we kept driving rather than
stopping for the night.  Bad move!  But West Australia is like one huge
park, and we wanted to see more.

So anyway we are doing about 60+ mph when out of nowhere comes a herd of
roos, or what ever you call gazillions of them.  We notice this right away
when the lights shine on this huge furry mass bouncing up and down right in
front of the van.  Its head keeps appearing and disappearing.  Like when
the vertical hold on your TV forgets what it's job is.

Well, we missed it.  But we did stop right there.  In the middle of the
road.  Opened the doors.  Put some Bach on the tape, and watched the sun
finish going down.  If Scotty could beam me anywhere in the world for a few
hours ...
                                     Mike ex-expatriot Johnson

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