The color tune has never worked correctly since I've gotten it from VB, and,
yes I've always cleaned it with the cleaner (the 2-3 times I've tried to use
My car is running incredibly rich (witness by the 15 mpg I get) and by the
smell of the exhaust. I know this to be a fact. The timing is dead on and all
the ignition components have been recently replaced. I think The cause of the
rich mixture is because I have air leaks around my throttle shafts and have to
boost up the mixture in order to get it to run right at any sort of idle. My
car is one of those that will idle correspondly to the ambient temperature...
If it's 90degrees and humid it'll start idling at 1k and gradually climb with
the under hood temperature until it idles at 2k.
if it's 60 degrees out I have to run under a slight choke most of the time
because the under hood temp never increases enough to get the car up to the
correct idle
(BTW - this is a 70 Midget with dual HS2's and manual choke )
I'm assuming that the air leaks decrease as the carbs get heated up and the
mixture richness rises correspondingly and therefore the idle goes up...
Now you know why I want to dump my SU's for a weber setup :-)
I don't think it's the wire coming off the colortune...the wire connections
seem tight and I can see the colortune sparking, I figure I'm running really
rich at idle so I would figure that the colortune would light right up with all
that fuel floating around. However plug cuts have shown that I'm running fine
under throttle...idle is my problem....but I can't figure out why the colortune
won't light up at all...
Any help would be appreciated....
John Metzger