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Re: COMMENT on Puzzle...

To: british-cars@hoosier,
Subject: Re: COMMENT on Puzzle...
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 91 13:42:59 pdt
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 91 14:42:54 -0500
From: (James TenCate)
Subject: COMMENT on Puzzle...

>I'm positive (no puns) that all the lights are working.  That's what
>I checked first.  I will go about checking the connections and the
>types of bulbs I've got.  I should be able to solve this problem now,
>what with all your suggestions :-)  Thanks!  I'll report back if it's
>anything really interesting...

Continuing along the line of Jerry Kaidor's stereo trouble shooting
strategy, try swapping bulbs to see if the problem moves.  Perhaps it's
even possible to swap connections at the flasher unit itself.

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