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Has anyone been receiving the exotic-cars mailing list?

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Has anyone been receiving the exotic-cars mailing list?
From: Cory Carpenter <>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 91 14:09:04 -0700
I requested a subscription to the exotic cars list several weeks ago, and 
haven't received any mail from it at all.  Am I alone in this?


|    >> Disclaimer: I speak for Sequent only in our hardware manuals <<        |
| Cory R. Carpenter, Tech Writer | "The Durango Ninety-five purred away real   |
| Sequent Computer Systems, Inc. | horrorshow.  A nice, warm, vibraty feeling  |
| Beaverton, Oregon, USA         | all through your gutty-wuts.                
|||          |      --Alex from "A Clockwork Orange"      
| |

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