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Re: 1500 carbs

Subject: Re: 1500 carbs
From: (Doug Braun ~)
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 91 09:45:25 -0700
I just did the same swap you described on my '72 spit.
I figured out the part numbers for the throttle linkage
bits I needed, but no one here carries them, and I checked
with Rimmer Bros in England, and they couldn't help.
Anyway, I was able to cobble up something that works fine.

You refer to HS4's on the 1300 engines, but I am 
sure they used HS2's (which is what I have), and then used HS4's for the
euro 1500's.

Two questions:  

What did you do with the vacuum advance?  The MK IV had
a vacuum retard thing whose only purpose is to retard at idle
(for emissions, I guess), and had no effect other than at idle.
Because of this, I simply left it unconnected, and advanced the idle
timing to compensate.  Do you have any better idea?

Would it make any sense to mess with the carb needles?
The stock needles were presumably set up for the non-emissions
1300, and I have the stock MK IV emissions cam.

 Doug Braun                         Intel Design Technology
                                    408 765-4279

 or maybe:

  / decwrl \
  | hplabs |
 -| oliveb |- !intelca!mipos3!cadev6!dbraun
  | amd    |
  \ qantel /

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