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Re- Kingpin(rollpin) replac

To: @auschs,
Subject: Re- Kingpin(rollpin) replac
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 91 22:46:32 CDT
>Jerry writes:
>    Is this for an MGA/B?
> If so, you can do what I did:  push the old bushings
>out with the new bushings, plus suitable nuts, bolts, and sockets.
> Then take a suitable size bolt and slather it with fine valve-grinding
> compound. Use it to "ream" the bushing out to size.

Well I did forget to mention that the A-arm bushings are those thar nylatron
things. Does this make a difference? From the sound of it I won't ??? have
to do the reaming???(sounds like that could hurt) Just grease 'em up
REAL good and slid them in. Or is it as you described? Or am I way out in
left field here? I do understand about the actual kingpin bushings, the one
that let the kingpin slop around when worn, not just clunking, and very
erratic steering when rubber meets wet pavement. I guess that's what
happens when a non-enthusaist/non-mechanical person owns the car before
you. I beleive they drove it till it dropped, or could'nt afford to put
the money into it to make it right. :(


Wanna tool in my MG :|

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