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Austin Healeys

To: @auschs, @ibmchs.UUCP,
Subject: Austin Healeys
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 91 22:26:01 CDT

    My son's and myself want to embark on a relatively long restoration
    process of a most classic British car. I think we have settled on
    one of the Austin Healey's. But being more of an MG enthusiast and
    not knowing a whole about them. I know how to make them run and do
    minor body work, but that is about the extent of it. I need some tips
    on how to go about looking for an Austin Healey that is restorable,
    or go about getting educated on buying a restorable Austin Healey???

    I once knew a British car mech that said all of the fenders and such
    were hand fit, and that if one is wrecked it is almost impossible
    to get a fender that looks right, as a replacement. I do realize
    that restoring an Austin Healey is more expensive than doing your
    typical MG, and that the cash outlay to take one home is more than
    to buy an MG and take it home. But the wife likes the looks of the
    Austin Healeys, and she said she would'nt mind driving one.

    Any hints, ideas, thoughts would help. I do know my favorite one
    is a 3000 MkI.



Soon to be toolin again in my MG :)

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