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Kingpin(rollpin) replacement

To: @auschs, @ibmchs.UUCP,
Subject: Kingpin(rollpin) replacement
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 91 16:37:24 CDT

    Anybody out there have experience in replacing kingpins/rollpins?
    I'm about to endeavor on an adventure I have yet to embark on with
    my LBC (MGB). I have done this on an old Ford van with twin I-beam
    suspension, and it was a bear, putting the new ones in was easy compared
    to removing the old ones. I expect to find some similarities, but
    probably not enough to make a difference. I have not looked at my
    Haynes shop manual to even see if it even covered the subject,
    thinking that was not a topic that most folks would want to embark
    upon. So am I fool-heartedly doing something that maybe I would want
    a reputable shop to do or can I do this myself? Also note I have
    the engine out trying to finish the clutch replacement that I have
    yet had time to complete. eveytime I get ready to start someting else
    always comes up that is *more* important,( what could be more important
    than getting the little thing running again!!!)

    Oh by the way on a different not, some interesting news. About shipping
    a LBC from Long Island, NY to Austin, Tx. The quotes I got varied from
    $695 to $1005, most were around $750, so with all things considerd I think
    something around $750, is not a bad deal for a running 77 MGB. With
    the only major problem is the unanimously stated of body corrosion
    from road salts etc. from that part of the country. I think the engine
    and tranny are probably worth that alone. Anybody want some 175CD
    Strombergs :) I already have two sets of working HIF4s, so the Strombergs
    will hit the rotating file if not.

    Well it looks like my compile finished so it's time to go.


presently not toolin in my MG :(

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