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To: @auschs, @ibmchs.UUCP,
Subject: Condensor-speak
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 91 14:41:44 CDT

>    >coming out of it?" Bzzzzzzzt.  ha ha.

>     First year electronics students used to get this trick played on
> them all the time.  We'd charge a few up, leave them on the bench with
> some other parts.  Working on some project, we'd ask one to get the parts
> obver on the bench.  ZOT! The god of electrical conductivity would alert
> them to his presense.

>    The fun we had with that 600v power supply....

    Yes, we used to have the same sort of fun, when I was in high school
    and then later when I was in the Navy. When I was in high school some
    of the teachers assitants would wire precharged caps to the workbench
    stools and when the unaware student would grab the stool he/she would
    of course get the bejesus shocked out of them. We also used to do a
    similar thing to RIOs (radar indicator operator) that flew in the back
    seat of the F4s I used to service, mostly to the RIOs that did not
    have a sense of humor that had ticked the radar shop off in one fashion or
    another. But this was not done with a cap this was done with a low
    current power source but with enough volts to take the wrinkles out...
    You should have seen some of the looks we got from some of those folks,
    they ranged from minor aggrevation to true terror. :)


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