John Lye commented about his trip home after the VTR convention:
>-> We had a pretty uneventful trip home. If you
>->remeber it had taken us 10 hours to geet there, when
>->we convoyed with the others. It took us 6 hours and
>->5 minutes to get home!
Not at all unusual. Convoying is never the quickest way to go
as too many additional stops tend to be added to the transit.
Add to that the slowing of the overall pace as a group of cars
encounters a passing situation (even on Interstates) after which
it becomes necessary to regroup and it is easy to see why it
can take much longer convoying. BUT, if the trip distance is
such that say you only need to cover 300 to 350 miles in a day,
then I find it much more enjoyable to convoy.
Coming back from the TRF Summer Party, we were running with
three cars (My TR-8, my son's TR-7 and George Hughes TR-7.
Three wedges in a row sure gets some interesting glances.
Final comment to convoying: The addition of a CB radio in
all (or most) of the convoy cars adds a great deal to the
convoying situation, both for the on-the-road logistics and
for the general passing of time.