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Registration plates in Britain

Subject: Registration plates in Britain
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 91 14:40:57 EDT
|Date: 8-20-91  2:38pm
|From: Dean Zywicki:dcrt:nih
|  To: {}:BITNET
|Subj: Registration plates in Britain
This is for you guys in britain.  Since I live around the northern
virginia area I see all kinds of stupid personalized license plates.
Although the ones on old british cars are informative, you usually
don't have to guess at the year since it's almost always on the
license plate somewhere.  What I don't understand is the full page ads
for registrations in the british cars magazines.  This months
classic and Sportscars has a full page ad from elite registrations.
Why would "80 RH" go for L8600, but "RIA 63" for a measly L488 ?
Do people buy these for the initials if they match their own?  It just
baffles me why someone would pay so much for a registration plate.


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