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Re: Brit car businesses

To: (Philippe Habib),
Subject: Re: Brit car businesses
From: (Loopy - the spineless boy)
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 91 10:53:14 -0700
>Triumph Specialty.  Can't say enough bad things about them.  I went 
>in to buy some gaskets and they quoted me a price, took my money, 
>went into the back and came back with USED gaskets.  I told them I 
>didn't want them, I already had lots of used gaskets of my own.  It 
>took quite a bit of argument to get my money back.  I was told not to 
>return if I was to stupid to realize that a wrecking yard sells used 

How the hell do these guys stay in business?  I've had bad experiences with 
them as well.  The guy who owns it and the staff he keeps are the biggest
group of assholes.  And yet, they are still around.  I always figured that
in order for a public service to succeed, the customer must be treated as
royalty (must be my training as a bag boy at Safeway when I was in high 
school).  Are Triumph owners such masochists that they welcome such abuse by
this repugnant outfit (TR Specialty, not necessarily Safeway!)?

Just say no to abusive establishments!

steve valin   
        I've just had my brain washed and I can't do a thing with it.

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