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One of those days...

Subject: One of those days...
From: Timothy Lyle Smith <>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1991 14:00:00 -0500
    Have you ever had one of those days when you wished you hadn't done
  something even thought you knew you had to?

  Yesterday I took apart the engine from my '74 MGBGT.  Today I dropped the 
  crank off to be ground.  It's not to far off from standard except for the
  scoring.  Later today I get to order main, rod, and camshaft bearings.
  Not to forget the new lifters and pushrods.  Of course the last 2 items 
  should have been replaced earlier from the looks of them.  I am also going
  to have to find the screw that holds the distributer housing into the block,
  that fell prey to an easy-out after being very un-easy to get out.  

  Now the bad news.....

  It seems that sometime back some water got into the engine and rusted a few
  small pits into the cylinder walls.  How/when this happened I can only guess
  as the engine itself has rarly been opened up.  So I might have to get the
  block tanked, bored, and new camshaft bearings installed.

  How did this happen.....

  Sometime back, about 1.5 months, my NEW oil hose lost the fitting at the oil
  pump and spewed oil everywhere except into the engine.  This happened when I
  was passing another car and I didn't notice it right away.  I would try to 
  stick this to the company I purchased the hose from but I no longer had the 
  recipt.  Live and learn.

  The bright side...

  Now I know why my car was so loud, the shop forgot to put one of the exhaust
  donuts in.  :-)


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