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no subject (file transmission)

Subject: no subject (file transmission)
From: John E Upham <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 91 12:06:54 WET DST
> yes, one of our favorite topics around these parts:
>       replacing tr6 u-joints.
> i'm in the middle of it and i'm a bit stuck, so i figured an appeal to
> the wisdom of sol should help (i figure the combined experience of
> this list has probably replaced hundreds of these beasties).
> the question is: is it reasonable for me to try to press the new
> joints in with a bench vise?  (i'm doing the 4 on the axle and not
> doing the 2 on the propeller shaft, at least for now.)

 Well I've done this operation many times. When in the mood I did a
couple against the clock and my best time was between 2 and 3 minutes
from removing circlips to putting the last one in !

I use two different sized sockets and a large vice and thats it really.

ok step by step.

1. spray with WD-40 or whatever in the US
2. remove all circlips with good quality circlip pliers
3. use smaller socket which fits inside and large socket which allows
   the uj to slide inside (Oooh err..sounds rather naughty)
4. having got assembly in the jaws as in 3. (centrally !) wind up vice.
5. close until 1/2 of uj emerges  out of yoke but dont go too far
   (fnarr fnarr)
6. remove assembly from vice (this can all be done one-handed (how
   disgusting )

7. insert projecting bit of uj into jaws and tighten the latter..
8. twist assembly to pull out uj bit
9. remove from vice
10. put small socket inside yoke so presses on uj and stick large socket
to allow other uj bit to slide into it
11 close vice jaws again and push out outher uj bit
12. remove uj inner part from whichevr driveshaft you've started with
13. repeat on other bit of uj...

14. sit down and relax..
15. contemplate other five uj's
16. go and watch tv
17. think about doing another uj
18. go to bed.

What could be easier...

Now for my instructions on how to reaplace BRM V16 head gaskets...

Are you sitting comfortably...

Decide you haven't got a BRM V16

Watchh Perry Mason do something risky...

good luck


John Upham, School of Molecular Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
Email: (BITnet), (Janet) (BITnet), (Janet)
              Tel:   +44 273 680500 (eve), +44 273 678332 (day)

P.S. Uj's are easy

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