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Re: RE>Seized motor (Rebuilding

To: (Jerry Kaidor)
Subject: Re: RE>Seized motor (Rebuilding
From: Dick Nyquist <>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 91 12:54:59 PST
| I'm in the process of rebuilding an MGB motor as well, an 18GB (out of 
| a 67 BGT).  I have one major problem.  The pistons are frozen, but good.  
| My question is, does anyone have experience getting pistons out of a seized 
| motor.  I've tried penetrating oil, sharp rap on the top of the pistons....

yes I've freed up several including a 1923 buick engine in an old portable
saw mill. The Buick took a couple weeks but considering the number of years
it was frozen that's not bad.

what I did was:

Fill the cylinders with diesel fuel. Diesel is better than WD40 and cost a
fraction as much. 

Let it sit a week. Put an appropriate wrench with a long cheater bar
on the crank shaft, or drive shaft, or flywheel, depending on what's accessable.
Rock it back and forth with a 3 or 4 foot cheater. The first few days you
may not notice it moving at all but if you do it a few min each day and
you leave the diesel soaking in the cylinder you will probably make progress
in a few days.

Good luck,dickn


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