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More MGB questions

Subject: More MGB questions
From: idi! (Berry Kercheval)
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 91 12:07:28 PST
   Date: Thu, 7 Feb 91 11:30:54 EST
   From: apple!!bobj (Robert Jones)

   The left turn signal doesn't work, but the right one does.  This leads me to
   believe that the blinker thingy is working, but either a bulb is out, the
   switch on the stalk is bad, or there is a broken wire.  Oh, the hazards only 
   work on the right also, so the signal switch is probably not the problem.
   Are these assumpions on the right track?  BTW, I was reading about how the
   blinker works, relying on heat to change the length of the wire that 
   the circuit, seems like abient temperature would affect this greatly.

Actually, the voltage affects it more, I find.  Yes, you are on the
right track.  Check all the bulbs.  You are exhibiting a fine sense of
diagnosis (If this were the cause then this wouldn't work either, but
it does... &c)

   There is a clicking coming from the back right hand corner of the car.  It 
   comes on as soon as the car is turned on, before it is started, and only 
   when the car is turned off.  Is this the fuel pump making noise?  If it is,
   is it serious?  Finally, how hard is it to change it? (I have a spare car)

Yes, this is the electric Lucas fuel pump.  The clicking in normal.
It's a bitch to change (at least it was on my A-H Sprite).  SOme MGB's
had the pump just above the catalytic converter; this caused a number
of cars to explode.  Check this out and install a heat shield if you
need to.  (I'm serious; my wife's best friend's MGB blew up in their

   My last question concerns the speedometer.  It reads high, by at least 15-20%
   although I haven't figured out exactly how much high it is.  I mentioned
   that I thought it was high to the guy I bought it from and he said it was 
   because it had bigger than stock tires.  This doesn't seem right, it should
   read slower, shouldn't it?  What can be done to correct a speedometer?  Is
   replacement in order?  Could it be the cable?

I think speedo shops can change out the speedo drive gears in the
tranny, or calibrate the instrument itself.  I have the same problem
on my TR-6.  Cable is unlikely, 1 rotation in=1rotation out of the
cable.  Bigger tires should make it read slower, yes, but remember
that if a previous owner installed Webers you may also have a
non-standard rear-end gear ratio. ( I *think* the MGB speedo drive is
on the tail of the gearbox; if it's on a wheel disregard all this.)

Good luck!


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