John Taylor writes:
> Are the Fiat X1/9 and the Triumph TR7 simply "badge-engineered" cars, or are
> there significant differences? From what I've seen, they look exactly the
> and have very similar performance specs (and they both rust ;-)
The similarity in appearance between the TR7 and the X1/9 is not just
a coincidence. The TR7 was designed to look like the 2-seat
mid-engined sports cars that showed promise at the time. (Can you say
X1/9?) However, the similar appearance of the two cars is only that
-- a similarity in appearance. Beneath the skin, the two cars are
completely different. Most notably, the X1/9 is mid-engined, while
the TR7 is the traditional front-engine, rear-drive. When viewed
from anything other than a distance, the two cars are clearly
Kenneth B. Streeter | ARPA:
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