After several postings about the Roadster Factory (TRF)
mentioning the desire to go online in their last
TRF newspaper, I contacted Dana Henry and found out he
does use Compuserve. I sent him a test message which
he did get, although it did take several days. Dana
would like to be included on the british-cars email
list, so I'm posting this for him to get things rolling.
Dana's compuserve addressing is:
However, the message I sent him included pathing via
Ohio State U which another b-c email poster had previously
told me about as THE gateway between Internet and Compuserv
As such, the complete addressing I used from my site was:
(my gateway)!!compuserve!75146.632
So, would you (Dale Cook) please add Dana to the b-c
list. And for all you Triumph and MG folks on the list,
you can now send email direct to The Roadster Factory
per the addressing already given.
If anyone knows of a quicker addressing convention from
the list to compuserv, please let me know.
Bill Sohl || email
Bellcore, Morristown, NJ || UUCP bcr!taichi!whs70
(Bell Communications Research) || or
201-829-2879 Weekdays || Internet